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One Day Seminars




A technologically advanced society, the Atlanteans civilisation existed for approximately 720,000 years on the island of Atlantis. They were predominantly vegetarian for most of this time, and were a peaceful and non-violent race. The Atlanteans respected all living things, and believed themselves to be connected to all the other forms of life that they shared their existence with. As such, they were very environmentally aware, understanding the importance of not disrupting the delicate balance of the Earth's ecosystem. These highly evolved beings enhanced and amplified the sun's energy through the humble quartz crystal. They used this energy for lighting their glorious cities, for scientific and technological advancement, and also for enhancing their telepathic communication, and to aid them in levitation.




Conservative mainstream beliefs tell us that dreams are the figments of overactive imaginations, or that they are powerful projections of inner desires and emotions from our subconscious mind. This seminar will take you out of the conservative and into the creative as we explain why we dream and how dreams are actual experiences. We can learn a great deal through our dreams, and often when we cannot find a solution to our dilemmas during our waking hours, we will find clarification and resolution during our time of sleep. Dreams cannot be interpreted in a generalised way because our dreams are very individual and unique expressions of ourselves. During this seminar personal messages will be given that may help participants understand why they are having certain experiences during their sleep.




Love is perhaps the most sought after prize by every human being that lives, and yet it evades most people for their entire lives. For centuries we have expressed our feelings about the joys and treachery of love through literature, music, theatre, painting, sculpture and dance. But as a race of beings we are no closer to understanding and knowing what love is, and where to find it, than our ancient ancestors were centuries ago. Love is not an unobtainable prize at the end of a gruelling competition filled with hardship and sorrow. Love is a state of being that can be achieved by everyone, and can be taught to those who do not understand. Love begins with acceptance of self...  it exists within each of us. By learning to love and accept ourselves we learn to truly love others also. Finding and living love is a journey of self-discovery, and is obtained by changing the way we think and feel about ourselves. In so doing, we open the door to a well of love just waiting to be shared.




Dis’ease is our body's way of telling us we are mismanaging our physical selves; it is not a consequence of poor genetic engineering, but a consequence of mismanagement over several generations. Roman himself has had terminal lung cancer, which he was expected not to survive beyond eight months after diagnosis. That was 26 years ago, and there is not a single trace of cancer in his body. From his own experiences, you will learn how the illness we create can be uncreated with a few changes in lifestyle and habits. Even the common ailments of our affluent Western society can be eradicated without conventional medical treatments. The key lies in understanding how and why we create dis’ease.




Probably the most famous psychic and visionary ever to be known to humanity was Nostradamus. Displaying his psychic abilities by the age of ten, by the time he was in his late twenties Nostradamus began documenting his predictions. In all, his predictions spanned ten centuries - up to the year 2500.  With his visions of aeroplanes, submarines, atom bombs, and spaceships, it is difficult to ignore some of Nostradamus’ amazing prophecies for a man of his time. We all have psychic abilities that can help us in our daily lives; they simply need some practise! If you would like to learn how to use your natural psychic abilities, then this seminar is for you. Roman is a skilled and practised medium with over 30 years’ experience. He will share with you the knowledge he has obtained in developing his psychic senses over his lifetime.




Reincarnation, or the belief that we have lived lives before, is an age-old concept that has shown too much proof to be simply an old wives tale. Hundreds of documented cases show people remembering visions of a past life that they could not possibly have read about in books. So why did reincarnation come about? The great teacher Buddha taught his disciples about the law of Karma through the Wheel of Life. Karma is the law of Cause and Effect (this same teaching is also found in Christianity - “What ye sow, so shall ye reap”), and the Wheel of Life defines reincarnation. To many people, Reincarnation and Karma are a part of human life. We choose to live life after life to repay debts, to learn lessons, or to merely complete what we did not complete in our previous life. In this seminar you will learn how Reincarnation and the law of Karma can affect your present day life.




Do you remember how, when you were a child, you used to read stories about fairies and goblins, or perhaps someone used to tell you stories about the little people that lived in the bottom of the garden? Maybe you had an imaginary friend that no-one else could see, or perhaps when you closed your eyes you could be with your special friends. Guess what? They were real...

The Element World is the invisible world that exists hidden amongst our hectic societies. They serve a very important purpose, for they help to balance the Earth, and to re-establish stability where human interference has caused chaos and severe damage to our planet. Without their unseen efforts, our planet and our entire existence would become obsolete. The Element Kingdom is fighting an uphill battle to make human beings more aware of their actions upon the Earth's delicate eco-system. In this seminar you will learn about the beautiful beings who are desperately trying to re-educate us and save our home, and also how you can help them through your awareness of the environment and your actions.




WHO ARE WE? We are living Consciousness embodied in what we believe is a physical vehicle.

WHAT ARE WE? We are living energy. In actual fact we are 99.9% pure energy, and only a minuscule amount of matter.

WHERE DO WE COME FROM? We come from the elements and matter that formed the Earth upon which we evolved. Everything that chemically makes up our planet is found within us. And where did it come from? From the gaseous clouds of dust particles that incubated and gave birth to our solar system within the womb of our own galaxy. We are literally made of star dust.




We are moving towards a higher level of Consciousness and thinking which will eventuate in peace and harmony. Wars and conflict will be abolished when each of us takes Personal Responsibility for our own level of understanding. In accepting all things without fear and aggression we will take our rightful place alongside all highly evolved beings within the universe.




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Weekend / Two Day Seminars




Balance in life does not come from just being rational, or from being a health and fitness fanatic, nor from immersing yourself in spiritual study. It comes from a balance of all three. In order to find balance, the Mind, Body and Spirit must all work in harmony to create that balance. Even if one of these is out of alignment, there can be no balance. Our stressful modern lifestyles are largely responsible for this misalignment which most people are oblivious to, and other than feeling occasionally a little disgruntled with their existence, on the whole, most of us have no idea that we are out of balance until we consciously make an effort to understand the importance and necessity of balancing the Mind, Body and Spirit.

This seminar examines the three principles of life that can help us create the balance we have been lacking. Once that balance is found and understood, you will wonder at how you could ever have said that your life was fulfilling and satisfying.




The purpose of this seminar is to show people how they have stopped thinking the little things in life that are important. And yet it is those little things, like enjoying a picnic with your family, or walking in a rainforest, even working in your garden on a sunny afternoon, the simple things in life, that can give us the most pleasure.

Happiness does not come from owning an expensive house and car; it does not come from enormous amounts of money. Happiness comes from the simple things in life; from understanding that you make your life what it is, not from what you possess or how large your bank balance is!




Condensed from a 6 week course into a weekend seminar, please refer to notes under, Short Courses. A work book/ manual is supplied in this seminar.





Who Am I?   I Am that I Am.
What Am I?   I Am Spirit.
Where Am I Going? Wherever my Being takes me.

To know and accept that you are the power in your life that makes everything happen is to understand the Power of Self. It is the difference between believing in destiny and living to it, or accepting that destiny can be altered by free will. Power of Self in reality is a total recognition of one's own Personal Responsibility. It is the knowing that you are a spiritual being born with the free will to make choices and decisions in your life for your highest good. The Power of Self is never abused; a person who understands their true power will not go out of their way to vindictively or spitefully harm another - that is only a fearful Ego at work. Peace and tranquillity within the self comes from knowing that you have the power to change or create anything in your life.

Discover your true identity by examining the “I Am” principle.  The “I Am” principle helps us relate to understanding that we are all important in the scheme of the Universe. We are all sparks of Universal Consciousness, sparks of Creation. Learn about
thought and energy, about how expression of that energy, whether it be negative or positive can create. Learn about the Kundalini & the Inner Knowing that lies within us all, and how important it is to understand the power of Kundalini energy before activating it. Activating the Kundalini helps us to safely raise our consciousness. It also opens us up to the Inner Knowing of our higher self, or soul, giving us the privilege of spiritual vision into the many and vast realms of the Universe.




Condensed from an 8 week course into a weekend seminar, please refer to notes under SHORT COURSES.




Time is endless. In fact, time does not really exist, except in our third dimensional world where we human beings have created it to live by. Look at time as a form of energy.  When you tap into that energy at any given point, you can create a “WINDOW” through which to look, be it into the past, the present or the future.

A book is very similar to a window in time. We open it to read and study its content in order to gain a deeper understanding of a subject, or to simply expand our knowledge. You can look through the windows of time in much the same way, and gain far deeper insights and facts than any book could ever give you. Why? Because when you step through a window in time, you can actually be there and experience that moment without ever having to leave your home, or your century. Look at it as bending Space, there is Space within Space, Dimensions within Dimensions, and Universes within Universes.

Learn about the great civilisations of eras past, including Atlantis, and find out what caused them to eventually decay and die out. It is fair to say that we seem to be continuing to repeat history. Yet from the great civilisations of the past we can draw parallels to our own civilisation that can enable us see where we are faltering, in order to change the course of human history from one that keeps repeating itself, to one that is progressing beyond our current level of consciousness. Learn about Reincarnation & Karma and what Buddha first referred to as the Wheel of Life, and find out why we have to learn to get off the Wheel of Life in order to bring us back to the realisation that we are spirit before we are physical.




A Spiritual Journey into the Past, Present & Beyond is a seminar whose aim is to show that each of us are timeless, Spiritual Beings, not limited or bound by the physical world we exist within. Through an understanding of Channelling and its many forms and purposes, we can tap into a limitless resource from which we can gain all knowledge; we can tap into the Universe that exists around us and within us. Through Channelling we can raise our own Consciousness, and through the expression of the knowledge and wisdom we gain, we can help advance the Consciousness of all humanity.

This seminar includes an introduction to Channelling and how one can develop and hone their natural Channelling abilities, as well as how those skills can be utilised in everyday life to empower our existence, such as discovering the real truth behind significant events that have occurred, and what choices the future may hold. It also examines Extra Terrestrial contact with humanity, and how Channelling can open us to the knowledge and wisdom these beings offer us if we are willing to open our minds to their existence.




Each of us, whether we wish to admit it or not, are Celestial beings - we are indeed Spirit, pure energy, creation in its living essence, and as such we are connected to the many other Celestial beings that fill our universe. Although we come from the same collective Universal Consciousness, in the third Dimension we have cut ourselves off from that level of understanding and Conscious Awareness, and replaced it with “FEAR”, suspicion and limiting beliefs. Yet in reality, our third dimensional lives are only a small part of our entire existence.

We are in actual fact vast beings beyond our own imaginations. Feeling the struggles and anxieties of living an average, everyday life within a highly conditioned society, we have lost sight, from a very young age, of our truly Celestial origins.

This seminar examines the five Metaphysical Elements of Fire, Water, Air, Earth and Spirit. In particular this weekend seminar looks at Extra-Terrestrials, Walk-Ins, Time Travellers, and travelling within parallel worlds. A must to experience and not to miss.




BY Roman Harambura
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